Die memoQ-Kalcium Quickterm Integration im Überblick

Bitte beachten Sie: Dieses Webinar wird auf Englisch gehalten.

The memoQ-Kalcium Quickterm integration or how to include advanced terminology in your localization workflow is the topic of our joint webinar.

Why is the memoQ-Kalcium Quickterm integration important?

Terminology and workflow management are crucial in the localization process if you want to provide texts of high quality and consistency. However, terminology does not start in localization, but rather in the source language contents across an organization. With Kalcium Quickterm, organizations or LSPs supporting their customers can set up processes and define their terminology collaboratively to ensure a consistent voice across their translations on an enterprise management level. And then you can simply publish this harmonized data to systems where it is required, such as localization systems. 

How does it work and how do I benefit?

The memoQ-Kalcium Quickterm integration is based on the API, so once you connect the two systems, periodic synchronization will happen automatically. This means that any terminology which is defined will immediately be available not only in the source content authoring process but also in the localization process. It will allow terminology managers to focus on terminology rather than the manual repetitive process of importing and exporting term bases, which doesn't provide any added value.  

In our joint webinar, we're going to show you... 

  • The benefits and added value of managing high-quality terminology in your organization or for your customer
  • The complete workflow from creating terminology, approving it, bringing it into the target languages, and then into the term bases in memoQ

We're looking forward to seeing you! 

Please register here for this free webinar on June 8th, 2022, 4 p.m. CEST.

Your presenters will be

Jure Dernovsek

Solution Engineer at memoQ

The memoQ-Kalcium Quickterm integration webinar will be co-hosted by Klaus Fleischmann, CEO Kaleidoscope

Klaus Fleischmann

CEO at Kaleidoscope GmbH


Kaleidoscope: Taking your content global

Eigene Softwarelösungen und jahrzehntelange Expertise kombiniert Kaleidoscope mit Software ausgesuchter Technologiepartner, damit Sie mit Ihren Inhalten auf dem globalen Markt erfolgreich sein können. Mit unseren Innovationen und Weiterentwicklungen vereinfachen wir für Sie kontinuierlich das Management von Terminologie, Qualität, Review, Rückfragen und Automatisierung.

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